Commercial note.
I select sole agent sales representatives for Italy and/or foreign countries for the marketing of industrial patents of my invention and design.
The hydraulic valve «O.M.G.», also known as “drop-fender”, is an integrative valve suitable to be applied to heating radiators of civil usage which therefore doesn’t replace any component of a standard heating plant. It is an item of great diffusion and easy to apply, whose initial turnover is estimated at about 100.000,00 Π with the opportunity for each agent to increase the amount of sales according to his own skills. The selected agents will also have the opportunity to get involved in the realization of the next technical projects.

Technical note.
The O.M.G. valve, already introduced in the course of the first “Genìa Patent-world ’95” exhibition at the Fiera of Milano, is made up of an alloy brass cylindrical body with a knurled surface, whose design dimensions are Ø 42 x 42 mm. It has to be applied on the upper and on the lower part of the radiator, that can be therefore easily removed from and replaced into its seat whenever you want (to clean it, to paint it, to paint its back side), without any loss of the circulating fluid or need to resort to maintenance staff.
The valve is divided into two distinct parts, of which the first is mounted on the plant and the second (carrying a special device) is fixed on the radiator, giving to it a perfectly watertight closure.


This proposal is generated by the practical need of us humble inventors to know if an idea for a project, even in its embryonic stage, has already been patented or not. The common practice today is to file our projects (after paying the initial taxes), ready to be patented, to the Patent Office and wait anxiously (for about three years) for the outcome, in the hope that they are not rejected because already existing.
In the age of electronics, we are still obliged to cope with an inadequate and out of fashion system, with the risk of losing time and money for which there will be no compensation.
Thanks to the creation of an Internet Vortal, complete of a database with the list of names of the registered industrial patents, any developer will have the opportunity to carry out an «anteriority search» to know the outcome in real time. The main benefits of such a system will accrue in the first place to the Patent Offices all over the world, that will be able to issue new licenses in a short time and with less expenses; the revolutionary feature of this system lies in the issuing by the Patent Offices of patents marked as «international» or «global» that will be internationally recognized as perfectly legal deeds.
Innovations and advantages.
1) - To improve the idea of the «global» patent it is necessary for the states to adopt a standard procedure for the evaluation of licence requests on a common basis.
2) - All industrial patents will be registered in the country of the depositor, to eliminate the costs of translation into other languages. The advantages are quite obvious if we consider that today to submit the request for an European patent an Italian inventor has to provide the documentation into one of the three official languages of the European Community. The inventors who intend to file the same request in a foreign country will obviously have to sustain the expenses for the translation into the language of the country they have chosen and there discharge the relative tax regime.
3) - To make the above said «AGAN Project» effective and operative it is necessary to redefine the concept itself of the institution of the industrial patent. According to the current definition, the various states limit themselves to certify a patent on the basis of the anteriority search carried out on its own territory (its archive); to keep the patent and protect it within the boundaries of its own territory; to manage the tax regime. Europe and the other states follow the same procedure. On the contrary, thanks to the introduction of my project, the states will issue all industrial patents carrying out the anteriority search on an international basis and this will be easily done through the Internet; keep the project; manage the tax regime. The protection provided by a single state (which today is only national) will be considered international, being relative to the issuing of an international patent, and so it will be valid in any other state, and vice versa, thanks to the application of the «reciprocal» principle; this will grant depositors from being cheated. The new regulations on the industrial patents will oblige all mass-producing firms to assess through documentary deeds the payment of the royalties to the owner of the patent by the customers, thus effecting an objective comparison.
4) - The Vortal can be freely visited by any Internet surfer. Those who are interested in a given invention can refer, through the Internet, to the depositing Patent Office, at the e-mail address indicated for visioning and/or getting electronic copies of the project (this is not a free service).

This project, subject to improvements and changes, is made public to raise the attention of government authorities and of all those maintaining an interest in the field, that thanks to their precious suggestions will contribute to the definitive technical and juridical realization of the sector of industrial patents and trademarks and to the promotion of the institution of a single national register of inventors. For an exhaustive dissertation on this subject it is possible to refer to my recent paper: «Monograph on industrial patents and trademarks», whose table of contents is illustrated below. A copy in Italian of the monograph can be received against payment  of  50,00 euro (cash on delivery) by writing to my address or by sending an e-mail. For the French, English, and German copies as well as for those in other common foreign languages, translation costs and shipping charges must be added.
Institutional platform.
E 'the ideal solution to political and institutional stalemate which is ten years after Italy's economic boom of the sixties. The slow and progressive policy drift has produced the institutional drift with the state bureaucracy and the lack of numerous laws enacted not because what was being proposed by the Left was not systematically apply to the Right, and vice versa. This 'theater' policy is detrimental to all and a period of major global and national crisis like the present one, (severe, and uncertain to be passed) any technical solution makes it more difficult politically and economically.
 In practice, the institutional platform consists of an office at Palazzo Chigi, and elsewhere as a meeting between the prime minister and leader of the opposition or the leader of the majority party in the coalition to 'opposition to agree on those proposals of bipartisan legislation that will guarantee a majority in the House.
To realize this system is needed in Parliament to reach a majority of 75% to make the legislators.
This model becomes a springboard for urgent reforms: the Constitution, electoral law, debt ppbb, search, order ppbb, unicameral Parliament and reduce the number of parliamentarians (two issues that we drag shamefully over fifty years), the tax relief Patents (a real political fury that only experts know), create an independent agency of the international patent (nefoba the United Europe with shortness of breath and red tape have made - after a decade - the most expensive European patent, deliberately ignoring the reality of international) completion of numerous works ppbb always suspended (bridges, dams, roads, aqueducts, etc.).
The advantages are manifold. It 'made safer the duration of the term. Relaxation of parliamentary work. It 'easy to achieve political understanding, all the institutional reforms started by the Constitution and electoral law. Two issues that will facilitate the passing of new laws. A huge cost savings resulting from the elimination of waste due to unnecessary or excessive expenditure, lavish and privileges.
After a long period of flattening Italy may prove his desire to create a new political, institutional, social and economic development. From words to action. An example to follow.
Power, will, know.
Considerations and conclusions.
Recent legislative innovations [2005], although effective, is not concerned is involved in 'broad constitutional reform required by the field of intellectual property that should be made more modern, more democratic, removed from the difference in treatment between the various players fall under the same definition. Even before it is necessary and urgent, equalize the rules on ownership of intangible things, the rules of ownership of material things. Today, the legal concept of "ownership" is defined differently depending on the case and consequently with various modes of treatment and consideration.
A genuine discrimination that perverts the traditional concept of the terms of French property enshrined in the Convention (1873) where the right of property was regarded as innate in the human personality. Instead, since 1942 the Italian Civil Code has essentially 'opaque' (politically) the definition of personal property rights and enhance the concept of the public interest. In the field of invention the aberrant strain of this definition has affected seriously the holder of a patent, industrial, seen confined its legitimate and natural right to possession after a specified period, after which the property passes automatically to anyone, or to subjects who had nothing to do with either the design nor with the taxation. Clearly, the legislature of the time did not distinguish objectively interest "for" the community than "the" community, however, encouraging the free "will." The tenure of an individual citizen can not be so easily transferred to others or the community.
Given the state of backwardness prevailing in the discipline, it is necessary and urgent injection of new rules to make up for those laws that instead of defending the legitimate interests of the author of the intellectual damage. In simple terms, those who create a 'work the fruits of his genius should be considered for all purposes of law the owner of the work but also the legitimate and sole' owner 'or the meaning of "possession" and therefore should be adapted to the rules of existing right to private property. This definition must draw together the various perpetrators of intellectual property related to the intangible things: painters, sculptors, writers, scientists, inventors, and so on. For these authors, the legislature must be recognized, without discrimination, the moral right on his work and inalienable, the right to use the very economic life and when they are transmitted to those entitled to the equal of tangible property. Ideal would be to reserve an identical path for reporting and recording of the works and introduce the unique International Patents with only the procedure for obtaining a patent. Consequently, the Copyright Law of the remains valid, but made it increasingly transmitted to the beneficiary.
In any case remain inalienable moral rights of the patent. Also remain valid economic enjoyment of the right by the inventor since when he is alive, and transmitted to the persons entitled under the rules governing the right to private property and therefore subject to joint taxation. Paradoxically, we can assume that even a few centuries or more, a well could keep the same legal effect as to 'act of registration.
And always be transmitted until the holder, at its discretion, decide to terminate them as unnecessary or technically outdated, and therefore expensive.
In summary if it is permissible to send a tangible legacy (eg a house), why should it not be equally valid to transmit an intangible asset? With these rules to use an invention shall not be subject to more restrictive rules, but subject to the request of the free market, free will of the holder of the title, and for the copyright to the patent.
It should instead be recorded on a tracking website, to be truly "seen" by both merchants' and buyers. Today, with the use of the Internet, you can organize well by requiring the manufacturer to place on your website codes covered every single item produced and also listed on the invoices or delivery notes, especially for precious metals or big names, to enable the 'to know whether the buyer who wants to buy is genuine or imitation.
The transaction will be considered complete and perfectly legal after the seller has placed on the manufacturer's tax code issued to these reviews and the certification.
A comparative study is simple enough to see that these proposals are far more progressive and more liberal than the existing ones, and therefore I think, modestly, that are worthy of comparison with other laws, to assist in the formation of a modern regulatory common and internationally.

Ideally, to study the relationship between multinational state, but I prefer the comparison since both Italy vs. America are democratic countries are very similar and with little sense institutional innovation. Following will be the comparison of EU vs. USA.
U.S. domestic politics.

The Americans are in trouble in the conduct of domestic policy and do not realize it. Their problems depend largely on the structure of the Constitution and the electoral system. A complex system that deserves a modern rendering more effective and more interesting politics. And 'a must to make a distinction between politics and policy of a single State of the Union. This fundamental consideration is true for any multinational state as Eu, CIS, China, Brazil and so on. While the national policy is concerned with the institutional problems of citizens, the EU's policy is handling international relations, defense, diplomacy and foreign policy. It should be noted that while it is normal that the policy takes care of the particular ˝ ˝ and therefore also address the problems in detail, in the EU's policy is sufficient to assume an attitude essential and coarse but within the constitutional limits (1 *)

American model. (Multinational).

STATE: State federal presidential democratic regime.
The President of the United States combined the functions of head of state and head of government. His term lasts four years and is renewable only once. The election of the President last about a year and take place as follows:
a) - In the spring primaries in 15 states to test the popularity of the national conventions.
b) - July / August meeting of the national conventions of each political party to notify the national ticket. Each state elects two candidates for president and one vice presidential one, which also coincides with the position of chairman of the Senate. Both are in the same campaign Torale electronic government program.
c) - A popular election in November with the majority system whose elected electors ˝ ˝ (even-numbered for the appointment of the Governor of that State to the Congress) are the presidential candidates and voters of the state, plus three electors of the District of Columbia. In addition they are elected (unique American) other public positions, legal and administrative matters.
d) - In December, the electors gathered in the capital of your country elect a new U.S. president.
e) - On January 6, Congress is the counting of votes. (1 *).
f) - On 20 January U.S. President is the official swearing. It presents a list of ministers of his Government (2 *).

The U.S. Congress is the bicameral parliament with 535 MPs in the House of Representatives and 435 100 in the Senate, and shall exercise the legislative power. In the case of institutional conflict between the chambers is established, ad hoc, a Joint Parliamentary Committee, the Committee of Conference that redeems every problem. (3 *). While the term is four years, is renewed every two years representatives of the Chamber (midterm) with the proportional system in each State. With these ele-ment policy analysts Americans ˝ ˝ probing the popularity of the incumbent President, which often affect his re-election. (4 *). Senators are elected for six years, with renewal every two years by one third, two for each state.
Basically there is a potential institutional conflict which could be translated (as is often the case) in a continuous conflict between the work of the President and the Congress (in my humble opinion) is defined ˝ ˝ ˝ incorrectly checks and balances ˝ (weights and balances) since it is more a question of interference and opposition parties. (5 *) The principle is desirable, as in Italy, the control of institutional power to another in order to avoid abuse or any form of illegality, the government is proposing laws to the parliament and that the support (or reject ) and the Head of State promulgated. In the case of suspected illegality is brought before the Constitutional Court or the Parliament or the Head of State.
The Supreme Court. E 'consists of eight judges, appointed for life by the U.S. President, after the ratification of the Senate.
Member States. (50). Each State is free to establish its constitution. The Governor elected by direct universal suffrage held in the local equivalent functions of the U.S. President on the federal level. In each of the legislative power is held by two House and Senate meetings. In many states a large number of officials and judges shall be elected by the people. A state is formed by administrative counties.
The presidential system, as well as the variant semi-presidential in principle has already passed, and should be avoided because it facilitates the normal course of politics. The constitutional roles overlap and collide at the same time the first difficulties occurred and how often is used to bipartisan solutions and careless this choice creates a conflict with the electoral mandate, which gives legislative power to a party and not to another and let alone both. In Italy, where we honor a political past constantly looking for institutional improvement, the sharing is disparagingly called bipartisan mess ˝ ˝ or reversal: a disgrace!
Today, the institutional situation in the U.S. is conflicted, and therefore inefficient and harmful, since the opaque systematically constitutional authority of the parties and creates problems for supremacy in the daily relationship between President vs. Congress, Senate vs. House, President vs. Senate vs. President House. During the conflict inevitably change the initial structure: it splits the governing majority, change the Senate's majority party (elected by the people!) Idem with the Chamber, and paradoxically this is called democracy!
Sistema Elettorale. A complicare la situazione su descritta Istituzionale CI Pensa Il Sistema Elettorale. Gli elettori chiamati ad eleggere SONO i candidati al Congresso attraverso le liste elettorali di OGNI SINGOLO Stato Che contemplano essenzialmente dovuto Grandi formazioni: il Partito Democratico e quello Repubblicano. Ci possono Essere Other Partiti Che solitamente SONO creatinina Autonomamente da magnati Che riescono suscitare uno delle Nazioni Unite Notevole Seguito di potentati.
Gli Eletti - definiti Grandi elettori ˝ ˝ - SONO votanti e candidati Alla elezione del Nuovo Presidente, del Congresso ed Pubbliche Altre cariche.
Il Periodo della legislatura e Di Quattro Anni. Il Presidente puo Essere rieletto Per Una Sola Volta. La Camera OGNI Rinnovata e dovuto Anni (medio termine), ed il Senato per 1 / 3 (33 Senatori). Onestamente non ho mai Capito la comportare la NB Tutti gli ingredienti di Rinnovo. In Altre Nazioni democratiche SI eleggono i rappresentanti per Tutta la legislatura Che solitamente e di lustro delle Nazioni Unite. Purtroppo il Rinnovo crea discrepanza UNA TRA La Vecchia e la Nuova Volontà popolare! Se la Volontà Popolare INIZIALE per il Senato e la convalida per i 2 / 3, non Capisco Il Motivo del Rinnovo. Nasce INOLTRE UNA Seconda Questione non Menone IMPORTANTE. L'Esito del politico di medio termine SPESSE Volte Altera quello Precedente opacizzando la figura del Presidente e cio Rende Più acceso il Conflitto Permanente TRA le figure Istituzionali e compromettendo UNA SUA possibile ricandidatura Ancora prima il Che ha Realizzato il Programma Elettorale. Se il Presidente ha varato ambizioso piano delle Nazioni Unite la CUI Realizzazione richiede Più di lustro delle Nazioni Unite, puo succedere Che lo Stesso e stroncato un meta strada o di Che comunque SARÀ modificato ricorrendo Al Solito inciucio.
Per migliorare QUESTAÔ situazione Gli Americani dovrebbero adottare la forma italiana ˝ ˝ aggiornata:
a) - Introduzione del Sistema parlamentare monocamerale.
b) - Elezioni Politiche uno suffragio universale Diretto per eleggere il parlamento e il Premier per le Cinque Anni.
c) - Il parlamento elegge il Presidente per quattro o SEI Anni, e questi ratifica la carica del Premier.
d) - Il Premier forma il Governo di Tecnici di SUA Fiducia.
e) - Il Premier sottopone il Governo e il Programma Istituzionale al parlamento (Che potrebbe respin-gere o chiederne alcune modifiche)..
f) - Il Presidente ratifica le Leggi del Parlamento.
g) - La Corte Suprema nominata soltanto per SARÀ TRA Dieci Anni e Dai PresidenteI delle Corti Nazionali.
h) - Istituzione del Consiglio di Stato per redimere le controversie tra co Enti Pubblici e dei Ricorsi dei funzionari e Dipendenti Statali, comprese le Sezioni Nazionali.
i) - Introduzione della Piattaforma ˝ ˝ Intesa Istituzionale venire punto d'incontro tra il sole ed il premier Il Capo del Partito di opposizione per l'applicazione dei Concetti bipartisan da presentare in precostituita con UNA Maggioranza Aula e blindata.
Considerazioni finali.
In linea di Principio SI potrebbe chiosare Che qualsiasi Paese Democratico dovrebbe aggiornare la propria Costituzione, e Senza Limite di tempo, per rientrare nia Parametri standard e universalmente condivisi dei PAESI Democratici.
(1 *): For the Americans, no matter whether a candidate could be nominated who has not reached the numerical majority of the popular vote.
(2 *): The President as head of government may revoke the appointment of one or more ministers with the approval of the Senate. In case of resignation or near death was succeeded by his vice-chairman of the Senate.
(3 *): A sort of our local Bicameral for any internal dispute.
(4 *): E 'a useless and destructive election after only two years because no government in the world can make any reform, and especially if it is a great reform. E 'deleterious because the electoral environment is harmful, if different from the existing one, creating a substantially affect the divergence of views that create a conflict in the adoption of laws, dull the figure of the U.S. President. It 's a contradiction in terms that political scientists Americans do not want to admit.
(5 *): Today the American system of control between the executive and the legislature is no longer acceptable because, in effect, instead of opposing them balance each other: that is not the same thing. Already the bicameral system itself is exceeded, if there is a clear uniformity of the composition of the parliament, if we add the conflict between institutional powers will result in an ongoing conflict hampers the conduct of the electoral laws and the same formation.

ITALIAN MODEL. (National).

STATE: parliamentary democratic republic.
It is based on the Constitution which is the collection of fundamental laws from which derive the ordinary laws. In it are the basic principles shared (12) and have established the characteristics and structure of the state and relations between institutions and citizens. It 'a European state and guiding the European Constitution.
It 'made up of regions, provinces and municipalities.
President of the Republic. E'eletto by Parliament and holds a charge for only seven years. Represents the body of the state and all Italians. And 'most prominent figure on superpartes and government agencies. Promulgates Acts of Parliament.
Parliament. It 'a bicameral system with the Chamber of Deputies (630) and Senate (315). It is for the legislature. Members of parliament are elected every five years.
Chairman of the Board. E 'confidential executive power. E 'in charge of routine management of the state and gives the address national policy.
Court of Cassation. E 'entrusted with the supreme and final court of 3rd degree legal remedies. The Courts of Appeals hear appeals of grade 2. Appeals Courts 1st grade.
Council of State. It represents the highest authority to redeem the disputes between State agencies and appeals of public officials. Receives complaints from Tar regional courts which are 1st degree.
Constitutional Court. Autonomous body that is requested by State agencies to redeem the conflict on the constitutionality of a law and conflicts of powers between the branches of government and between government agencies.
ELECTORAL SYSTEM. It is based on the initiative of political parties to present candidates for public office: Mayor and City Council to the Parliament. The law lays down the policy. The elections shall be by direct universal character of Italian citizens and the vote is secret.

There are obvious differences between the two Constitutions for the benefit of no coincidence that the Italian has always been considered the most important and interesting in the world. The credit goes to the founding fathers who have shown their best energies and intelligence to draft a modern constitution that also covers the transition regime: from monarchy to republic. A very difficult and complex undertaking that was facilitated by the existing parliamentary system under the Charter of Albertine monarchy which once was the pride of the Royal House of Savoy and the Kingdom of Savoy.
However, in both constitutions there is a strong reluctance on the process of modernization. Perhaps a form of (false) national pride, but the fact is that both require an urgent adjustment to reality. It 's the ideal way to propagate and disseminate the highest ideals of democracy in the world. There is a serious democratic deficit at the global level I do not understand why because, in fact, only a democratic system guarantees peace, social development, cultural and economic.
The Italian model, which is the best in the world (suitably enhanced) is applicable in any country in the world, provided it is based on the democratic system. How many wars could be avoided! The higher world growth could be created in support of education, to quality of life, to overcome poverty and hunger in the world.
Yet one wonders why all this, it seems easy to implement, does not happen? Because there is great difficulty in establishing a democratic regime? For despite the progress and development of the technology faster and faster to implement the reforms it takes a long time? No one has ever answered the question why the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has lasted more than half a century and still not seen any final acceptable. This conflict reminds us of the long wars of the Middle Ages, like the Hundred Years! But centuries have passed and still we see the perennial conflict. Why? Who benefited? Miraculously, we came out of the Cold War era! But it took common sense! At the risk of the fate of the Earth! After we sat on our laurels. It 'time to embark on a virtuous path.



 First you create a cash flow available to the Government in order to use it for economic recovery and for structural reforms. In consultation with the social partners, all workers must devolve to the Treasury "net gain" of a working day. With the introduction of the "working Saturday" the employee will contribute to state recovery. Four days per month. Forty days per year. An experimental year is a must. At the same time employers will devote the "net gain" of its activities for the forty days of the year. The sum resulting from public/private workforce will be devolved to the Treasury whose management will be entrusted to a Special Committee of control and warranty. However, regardless of the economic data is important to undertake a policy of general rehabilitation and rigor of Auditors ppbb to activate a virtuous spiral, which feels the lack, to gratify and encourage right now Freeman for the efforts that must be fixed (in place of the classic "blood and tears" and "put your hands in your Pocket savers"). This is a necessary and sufficient condition for taking any initiative. The policy is invited to promote this initiative-and improved-to meet quotas and notes that a new expected social and political course has long been known as Risorgimento. Political parties instead of playing the mea culpa would do better to decide definitively to launch those reforms announced for decades (see my blog) to implement a perfect exit strategy-which surely will be also applied by other countries-and set the governability of lines from the beginning and not continue to live for the day. The astronomical figures that will be available in a short time is the best guarantee for a perfect and long-lasting success and infuse a well-founded optimism. Regarding Europe, the talk is different. If Italy doesn't have the cards in order to have a say in Europe it is also true that Europe does not have all the cards to "affect" the Italy. Both they failed to avoid the crisis and both are difficult to manage. Summary: structural reforms, institutional, and also the fight against waste and inefficiencies have to be implemented both in Italy and in Europe. In any case, my method is to be applied to fixed-term or until you reach those goals that ensure a sustainable and shared development: debt reduction ppbb; reducing the tax burden; institutional reform (see the blog www.lambda-ridens.blogspot.com); followed by a general policy. Countless are the benefits deriving from this operation that affects both the high-risk countries and those most advantaged. But this is another topic. If everything goes well, the IBL will not remove the nice if debt clock ppbb scanned in real time. It's a piece of history that will be removed and you will be in good company with that of Times Square and the Debt clock of The Economist. This document is reproduced from a technical report. Thanks for your attention. 

p.i. Antonio Agherbino